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Research activity

                               Structural Design for Seismeic protection Lab

          Research activity                                  Impact on society

          We investigate the strength of fibre reinforced    We aim to develop new industry grade processes
          composite materials (FRCM) for building            and materials that fill in the gap of existing retrofitting

          strengthening and retrofitting, with special       systems. The group is already patent owner of high-
          emphasis on recycled and secondary raw             perf FRC systems. Development of new design tools to
          materials. We optimize fibre adhesion of the       address durability issues (safe lifetime) of both new and
          inorganic matrix, crack pattern and failure        existing buildings materials is carried out.
          modes.  Applications to Fibre Reinforced
          Concrete (FRC) is also considered.

          Context and motivation of                          National and international

          the research                                       academic relationships regarding

          The need for materials which offer high-           the activity
          performance alongside compatibility with the
          building tradition, fire resistance, durability    The activity takes place in partnership with international
          and safety is much felt in the ever growing        academias such as Keele, Sheffield (UK) and Minho

          field of building restoration and rehabilitation.   (PT). A significant interaction with international research
          Research activity aims at merging skills in the    units from China (Fuzhou University) and Switzerland
          field of innovative building materials and new     (HEIG-VD), USA (Cornell University, Ithaca NY) is taking
          technologies.                                      place.

          Engagement of local entities                       Funded projects / grants

          and fallout on the territory                       Bando di Ricerca Applicata 2013/2014 – Sviluppo,

          The research activity involves several companies,   modellazione e applicazione di sistemi di rinforzo
          ranging from plastics manufacturers to cement      strutturale in materiale composito di fibra di carbonio
          producers, from high-performance dry fabric        e resina IPN per l’adeguamento sismico, il ripristino
          rolls sellers to nation-wide recycling consortia.  ed il consolidamento di edifici civili e industriali:
          Moreover, development of new technologies,         metodologie, prestazioni e failure analysis (140 K€)
          equipment and patents by industries and            POR FESR 2014-2020 ASSE 1 AZIONE 1.2.2 CUP
          laboratories working in the field of building      E81F18000310009 Impiego di Materiali Plastici da
          materials is pursued.                              Riciclo per malte e calcestruzzi Strutturali Alleggeriti
                                                             (700 K€)
                                                             Financial support from (MIUR) in the framework of the
                                                             Project PRIN-2017HFPKZY (680 K€).
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